Real estate article series Part 6: Legal pitfalls of buying a newly built Real Property
Real estate article series Part 6: Legal pitfalls of buying a newly built Real Property In fact, it is relatively easier to buy a second-hand property than a property that is still under construction, because you can see an older property as it is, whereas a newly built property, it may not even be […]
Real estate article series Part 5: What should I pay attention when buying a Real Property with bank loan?
The question may arise: are there any special requirements in case we would like to buy a Real Property which transaction is partially financed by bank loan? The answer could be a simple yes and the case is closed and there would be no need to read on though, but it is not that black […]
Real estate article series Part 4: Bumped into an undivided joint ownership, what should I ask for to protect my long-term goals?
Did we like one of the duplexes? Is there more than one house on a plot and we want to buy one of them? In Part 3 of our series of articles on Hungarian Real Estates, we will look at the specific legal situation where a Real Property has several owners at the same […]
Real estate article series part 3: Buying a family house wisely
We bought our dream house, but later find out that it was built illegally. Is the building not even designated on the Land Register official map? Didn’t we buy the Real Property from the owner? To avoid these and other nightmarish circumstances and disadvantages, we’ll show you what to check as a must t for […]
Real estate article series Part 2: How not to fall into a failure when buying a home?
We have looked at the property we want to buy, we have paid the purchase price […] everything seems to have gone well at first, but the land registry has refused to register our title or it turns out that there was a co-owner who had a pre-emption right who was failed to notified though? […]
Real estate article series Part 1: What is a title deed for? Do we need it as buyers or is it just of a waste of time to check that?
Are we 100% sure that the person introduced as a seller is the real owner of the property? Is there an unexpected beneficial owner or a mortgage, a lien, ongoing enforcement procedure or other encumbrance on the property that hinders you from buying it? Has the property been listed as a flat but is actually […]
Buying a Real Property in Hungary
Due to the increasing prices and rent fees Budapest and Hungary came into the spotlight of the foreign investors irrespective of the size of their investment. It is quite popular to buy a real property in the beautiful Budapest, however there are several key factors that should be taken into account before any step made […]
5 Hints on How to Establish a Company in Hungary
Due to the fact that in the EU Hungary has one of biggest growth of GDP Hungary came into the spotlight of foreign investors. On the other hand Hungary has one of the lowest company tax rate. These two key factors resulted in the fact that there is a demand on the market to establish […]